I Can't Quit You, Quatchi!

The best thing? The amazing batch of stuff sent to us all the way from Korea by Sophia at Quatchifan2010, seen in the photo at the top... Custom backpacks, messenger bags, notebooks, drawings, laminated photos, paper craft figures, and some other non-Quatchi-related treats too -- there's more here. Thanks again, Sophia!
Speaking of Quatchifan2010, good to see that Sophia's blog is still going strong. I particularly dig this picture of her Quatchis in Canucks gear...

Since the Olympics games, Quatchi has ended up on the street, unemployed, and depressed, he became an alcoholic and started experimenting with hard drugs such as crystal meth, and crack cocaine. He had to resort to theft, and panhandling to feed his addiction... Quatchi, a sasquatch from the forests up north came to Vancouver seeking opportunity to provide for his family back home, unfortunately with no more opportunities post-Winter games, he has no where to go and can't seem to get the help he needs to better his situation.

Over at the Urban Shaman gallery in Winnipeg, photographer Keesic Douglas has a show called Trade Me, which runs through March 19. One of the pictures is this Aboriginal woman with an iconic HBC blanket, appearing to nurse Quatchi...

Here's a radio skit by a Vancouver DJ, which aired around the one-year anniversary of the Olympics. It's Quatchi and Mukmuk meeting face-to-face for the first time since the games, discussing a possible mascot reunion. For the audio-impaired, I've transcribed it below...
Woman (Mukmuk's owner?): Alright Mukmuk, someone’s here to see you!***
Mukmuk (with typical squeaky voice): Yaaay! … [gasps]
Quatchi (with atypical Brooklyn accent): Heh-heh-heeey, Mukmuk! Give it up!
Mukmuk: Quatchi? What happened to you? You look terrible!
Quatchi: Ah-hah, you always were the funny one, Mukmuk, huh. But uh, but yeah, seriously, I did gain about 160 pounds. Uh, haven’t exactly taken care of myself, but, uh, that’s what happens when you’re a big star one moment, everyone loves ya, and next thing you know, you are 80% off in the discount bin. [inhaling noise]
Mukmuk: Quatchi, you can’t smoke in here!
Quatchi: Aw, c’mon Mukmuk, we’re Olympic mascots – we’re untouchable!
Woman: Quatchi, this is your last warning!
Quatchi: Okay, okay, okay.
Mukmuk: So, how are you doing these days?
Quatchi: Well, you know, I moved to Hollywood, and uh, I found a pretty cool gig on the Boulevard, I take pictures with people for tips. Sure, most people think I’m Chewbacca, but uh, hey, you know, whatever puts the food on the table, right? Hey, by the way, have you heard from Miga recently? He ain’t returning any of my texts.
Mukmuk: Yeah, Miga’s turned into a bit of a [bleep].
Quatchi: Yeah, I just don’t know if this reunion’s a good idea. I mean, it’s just not going to be the same without Sumi, may he rest in peace.
Mukmuk: Damn poachers.
Labels: Bigfoot, Hockey, Quatchi, Vancouver Canucks
Thanks for the shout. Quatchi will never say die!
Thanks, Steve for the shout out too!
Thanks, Steve for the shout out too!
Thanks for the shout out too!
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